
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ice Cream Sundaes!

One of the things I wanted to do this summer was to make ice cream sundaes at home together! So I bought our favorite ice cream and all the sundae toppings I thought my boys would like! We had Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, m and ms, chocolate chips, and cherries! I let the boys build their sundaes themselves. We don't keep ice cream and a lot of sweets in the house so this was a huge treat. We had my parents over for dinner and had this for dessert. The boys were so excited they told Nana and Papa that we were making ice cream sundaes the moment they walked in the door. It was a lot of fun!

Daddy and the boys building their sundaes!

JP liked the m and ms and cherries!

Nana and Papa enjoyed holding baby brother while the big brothers made their sundaes!

Smiley boy! Someday he'll get ice cream too!
Linked up to some of these parties. :)

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