
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I'm Still Here, I Promise!

Hello Fellow Blogger Followers and Readers,
If any of you are still there, I am still here! We have had a wonderful, busy summer diligently working on our 2012 Summer Bucket List. We have enjoyed a lot of family time together and are now gearing up for the Daddy to return to work and for the Fall.

We enjoyed an amazing double rainbow one night.

 Celebrated that TC is now 3 months old! I love this picture as CA is waving at me and barely holding sweet baby brother! Oh my sweet boys!
 My three treasures and biggest blessings! Melt my heart!
 We also enjoyed our first family vacation to Colorado! It was a ton of fun! Stay tuned for more pics soon!

I have a lot more on my heart and head to blog about but to be real honest, today was a hard parenting day and I am one tired mama and need to join my sleeping family. Toodles for now! Please visit me again as I do plan to blog more often asap!

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