
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy Birthday, JP!

I can't believe I have a 5 year old!! Where did 5 years go!?! I am one proud mama of this precious boy! He is smart, loving, curious, and creative! He is a wonderful big brother and such a precious child. We celebrated his birthday together with family and friends at our local recreation center.  He loves all things superhero, especially Batman so we had a Batman theme party. We rented the rock climbing wall and a classroom to use for the party. It was a blast and worked out really well! All the kids really seemed to enjoy rock climbing. I think it was a unique, fun activity.

I saw where another friend of mine interviews her son on his birthday each year and then blogs about it. I thought this was an excellent idea, so I am copying her. :)

So I asked JP a few questions and these are his responses:

-Who is your favorite superhero?
I LOVE them all! 

-What is your favorite food?
Pepperoni pizza and pretzels

-What is your favorite TV show?
Super Hero Squad, Batman from 1970s, and Doc McStuffins

What is your favorite song?
On My Lips by Ross Parsley

What is your favorite resturant?
Chick Fil A

What is your favorite color?
orange first, then green

My favorite thing to do with mommy is go on a date.

My favorite thing to do with daddy is go on a date  

I loved all of his answers and loved that I knew the answers to all of these before he ever answered. I do love knowing my children so well. We do try to go on 1:1 dates as often as possible. Guess we need to schedule on really soon for him!

Happy Birthday, JP! We love you!!!


  1. Your family is adorable! I love the birthday interviews too...definitely need to do that in the future. :)

    1. Thanks, Sarah!! You too are too sweet! Thanks for the comment!


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