
Monday, September 3, 2012

Preschool Plans-Updated!

The 2012-2013 school year will begin a new adventure for us! After thinking and praying about the decision for almost five years we have decided for JP to "wait to start" kindergarten until next year. He has an August birthday, so he just turned 5 in late August. This is a decision that many parents of boys with summer birthdays discuss. In my teaching experience young boys often needed more time to mature. My husband and I have discussed this plan since JP was a baby. My husband has an August birthday also and his sweet mom always wished she had waited for my hubby to start school. JP is a smart, creative student, although he has never been to preschool. Thankfully he has been home with me for all five years of his life. We decided last Spring that he would need some kind of preschool environment for this school year to prepare him for school. So with much prayer and careful consideration I researched a few of the options in my area. I am thrilled to share that God lead me to an amazing Christ centered preschool just right for our family. The moment I walked into the school to tour the facility I knew it was the right fit for him (and honestly, for me too). He will attend Pre-K two days a week from 8:45am-2:00pm. His first day is tomorrow. We have had a lot of fun picking out a new backpack, a new water bottle and preparing. Tonight we read The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn by listening to it on a video on Youtube. 

 Both of the boys listened to the story and then I kissed both of their palms and explained that they could feel my love by placing their hand to their cheek tomorrow. I used to read this story each year when teaching and I am sure a copy of this precious book is in a tub in the garage. Thank goodness for technology. I found exactly what I was looking for on youtube!

CA will be doing Preschool at home with me this year, but I am including him in all the fun 1st day of Preschool activities too.

I found an awesome printable here for his teachers to fill out some of their favorite things that they like so I can spoil them a little this year. I remember how special I felt when parents of students took time to learn the things I liked and would treat me every now and then! Awesomeness!

I also found a very cute printable at Its Overflowing where a dear friend of mine writes and hosts an amazing blog! She is super creative and amazing! I loved her idea to make teachers cookies with this adorable printable, so I tweaked it to fit my style and budget. I used pink card stock I had on hand. Then I picked up some clear treat bags and cute ribbon at Micheal's to match the pink card stock. So here is what I made for JP's sweet teachers! I hope they feel loved and appreciated on their first day with Pre-kindergarteners!

I also found an adorable "First Day of..." at I Can Teach My Child that is absolutely perfect! Can't wait to take their pics in the morning!

So now I am off to rest my tired eyes. Honestly, I am a little nervous as I haven't ever left JP for very long other than MOPS and Sunday school. I know he will do great and I know I will too once I leave him. He is ready and needs this year to build his independence. He needs time away from CA, Baby Brother and well Mama. It will be a new adventure for us all! Off we go!

So the first  week has gone great!! He loves Preschool! He went into his class Tuesday morning with no trouble. He got right to work and told me all about his fun when I picked him up! He already seems bigger and more responsible to me!

 These sweet munchkins are still home with me! CA and Baby Brother and I have had a fun week at home doing our "preschool things" too! Love them!

How was your week? I hope great!


  1. You are so sweet to feature my printable...thanks so much! And for school, I know your pain. It's crazy how you think you have place all of your hope in the Lord and then your heart gets stretched! I'm telling you on Monday, my heart was literally in pain. It was crazy, but a good reminder to cast all of my cares on the Lord! Oh, and we decided to place BIG B in 1st, although academically 2nd would have fit just fine. All nine of his all star team mates are at his same school, all summer bdays, all in 1st grade. It's totally the trend and although I'm not a trend follower, to put him at a disadvantage in a lot of ways long term just didn't make sense. God was so sweet to make this decision clear for us! I'm praying for you tomorrow, I know that God will far surpass your He has so preciously done for my family! I never in a million years would have thought my kids could make it without me (vain, I know)...they not only made it, they thrived and they loved it!!! I'm so glad that He just shows us the light unto our path...I definitely couldn't handle the entire road! Thanks again for your feature...I love that pink cardstock!

    XO, Aimee

  2. Glad to see someone else not pushing their little one into school. My oldest turned 5 in July, and while I am hoping to homeschool, we both agreed not to formally enroll her in anything until she was 6. hopefully the extra year to mature helps! If not now, then when she graduates high school!

  3. I love the one smart cookie idea. I hope you have a GREAT year =-) Thanks for sharing & linking up at TGIF! Have a great week!
    Beth =-)


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