
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Virtual Book Club-Lois Ehlert

I am participating in a Virtual Book Club for Kids this year hosted my many awesome bloggers. To participate we will read a book by the author of the month and do an activity based on the book.  I'm excited! This month we have read Lois Ehlert books.  Click on the picture above to learn more about it.

We did an activity with the books:

 After reading the books a few times and reviewing the shapes and colors I gave CA an assortment of foam shapes that I picked up at the Dollar Tree for him to create his own animal shape. We had a lot of fun discussing the shapes and colors together.
Here is his final creation. He says it is a cow, looks more like a person to me, but what do I know?!!

We had a lot of fun together and that's what's important. I am looking forward to more specific author activities throughout the year in the Virtual Book Club! Won't you join us!

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