
Sunday, September 30, 2012

September Happenings

We are having a fabulous Fall so far! I am still loving teaching my blessings!

 JP is thriving in Pre-K! He goes 2 days a week and I can tell he is learning so much! One thing I truly appreciate about his preschool is the collaboration between school and home. The preschool has school wide themes for each week. His teachers sent home a calendar in the beginning of the year for the whole year of all the planned themes. You know what immediately went through my brain don't you??!!! I can align what I do at home with CA to match what JP is learning and enrich JP's learning even more on the three days a week he is home! I was giddy when I learned this! His teachers even email their lesson plans to the parents weekly!! It is working out beautifully!

In fact for my birthday back in August I told my husband the one thing I wanted for my bday was to go to Starbucks alone to plan, think, and research preschool ideas! So being the amazing husband that he is he made it happen for me. Here is a pic of all my happy planning items: computer, calendar, lesson planning notebook, and yummy drinks! I was one happy gal in my happy place!

This year I decided to make my own lesson plan template on excel instead of using a premade lesson plan book like I did last year. I used to plan this way during my teaching days and it works really well for me. If you would like to see my template you are welcome to check it out here for FREE!  This year we are working on a character development trait, literacy skills, math skills, one memory verse per week,sight words, and continuing to read a plethora of library books. (Remember I have a little addiction to the library?!?!) There is a section in my template for each of these skills.

In September we have focused on these themes:
  • All About Me/Family
  • Friendship
  • 5 Senses
  • Camping/Daddies
Here are a few pics of our fun times together.

My three blessings!

CA reading his Bible to Baby Brother

The Daddy reading to the boys! Love it!
How was your September? I really do hope to blog more. My three blessings keep me pretty busy and some days just plain ole tired! :)


  1. I think it's great that your preschool includes the parents! We spent September moving and trying to get settled in our new house. Looks like an Otto book Daddy is reading...we have a few of those!

    1. Thanks, Brittney! I hope your move went well! Daddy is reading a book by Todd Parr, I believe?! It was a library book that went along with our "daddy theme". :) Thanks for commenting!

  2. Trina your boys are getting so big! And those jammies CA is wearing? My Everett is wearing those to bed right now! ;) So glad your little guy is liking daughter is loving hers as well (3 days a week).

    And YAY for Starbucks! Best present ever to get some alone time with coffee and the computer ;)

    Hope all is well. Loved seeing you over at my blog this week! I think of you and your family often :)

    1. Hi Katie! You are too sweet to think of us! Yes, CA loves those jammies and as you can see my the multiple pics he wears them often. I am loving your blog and your series right now. Thanks for all you do!

  3. Trina - Your son's pre-school sounds a lot like the one my son goes to. I love knowing what they are doing in school so I can align our home learning with it. This week is a farm theme, so I am working on a post for my Beyond ABC's series over at Mommy the Literacy Master.

    1. Hi Leanne! Thanks for the comment! I can't wait to see the farm theme. We are working on nursery rhymes and fairy tales this upcoming week.

  4. Wow! You are one awesome Mama!! Looks like all of your boys are doing great! I know your life is so crazy right now with Daddy working like crazy and your hands so full at home! I feel ya girl! Hang in there! You are amazing!

    1. Hi Ashley!!! You are so sweet! Thanks! Some days I don't feel like one awesome Mama! Football season is crazy, but I remind myself it is a "season" and will end! I feel ya too! I know you are one busy Mama too! I loved your latest post too! Sorry you've all been sick! GEt better AsAP!


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