
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Cutting Practice

 I am participating in new writing series perfect for JP and CA at a new blog I found called Cheerios and Lattes. The series is called Play to Write-Write to Read where the blog author shares a writing activity and a writing best practice. I have been reminded of so many skills necessary for teaching writing. It is amazing to me how many fundamental skills are necessary for teaching writing. My "teacher brain" knows so many of these skills, but my "mommy brain" tends to forget. It must have something to do with being home for 5+ years now, managing our home and keeping up with our amazing three blessings! That is why I am so thankful for other like minded mommies who blog all of their great ideas and then I can implement them with JP and CA.

So far we have worked on name writing, journal writing, line mazes, and this week scissor skills. I remember when I first taught JP how to use scissors last year I thought I was going to pull my hair out!! Oh my! Thankfully it wasn't so frustrating this week with CA. Although he got frustrated and threw the scissors across the room. Bummer!

I made cutting strips for the boys. I instructed them how to hold the scissors and stayed close while they were cutting. I love their focused, concentrated faces!

This is a new skill for CA. He is 3 1/2 and I really didn't allow him to use scissors much last year during our learning time. But I think now he is ready. We will continue to practice a lot. He had a hard time holding the paper that he was cutting and got frustrated twice to which then he threw the scissors across the room. To be honest and transparent, I got really mad at that point. Unfortunately I yelled and got pretty upset, :( Sad day! I will work on that too. There are some great printables at Cheerios and Lattes that I plan to print to help with this important skill.

Want to learn more writing strategies? Feel free to click on this button to join the series. I'm linking up there!


  1. Yay! Thanks for sharing your work! I know it is very easy to get frustrated when your kids act out in their frustration! Been there, done that! :) Thanks for being real! If he continues to get frustrated begin with an easier cutting activity: sturdier paper, straws, the paper bag fringe, etc. those will help him build confidence and correct hand positioning! Good luck; keep us posted! :)

    1. Thank you Mackenzie! You are so right, sturdier paper, the paper bag fringe and lots of practice has really helped! :)

  2. What a great activity for developing fine motor skills. I think we all have days whe we don't have the patience. I know I certainly do. I'm sure the next time it will go better.

    Thanks for linking to the Sunday showcase.

    1. Thanks for your sweet comments, Rebecca. You are so right it has gotten better with more practice.

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