
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Virtual Book Club- Amy Krouse Rosenthal

As you may remember we are participating in a Virtual Book Club for Kids this year where many awesome bloggers host a blog hop each month. You can choose a book by the featured author of the month, then do an activity related to the book and then blog all about it.  This month's author is Amy Krouse Rosenthal.

Here are a few of her books:
I was only familiar with one of Amy Krouse Rosenthal's books: Duck! Rabbit! I quickly adored her writing and illustrations. She is a witty author who likes to put a fun spin on topics in her books. We really enjoyed reading so many of her books that we checked out from the library. I tried to think of an activity to correlate and just kept coming up empty until I saw this awesome post titled 10 Extension Activities for Spoon at Reading Confetti. I immediately felt inspired by all of these awesome ideas. Thanks, Lori!

"Meet Spoon.  He’s always been a happy little utensil.  But lately, he feels like life as a spoon just isn’t cutting it.  He thinks Fork, Knife, and The Chopsticks all have it so much better than him.  But do they?  And what do they think about Spoon?  A book for all ages, Spoon serves as a gentle reminder to celebrate what makes us each special."

First I took out all of the silverware out of the trays and showed the boys how to sort the silverware.Thankfully, they both help with this project in the kitchen, but it was fun to pull out both sets and allow them to sort them all. We are blessed to have two sets of silverware, one that is real silver as a gift from my husband's grandmother. :)

It is not uncommon to find at least one boy in costume at our house. :)

Next, we created spoon families with plastic cutlery, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, and markers. The boys really enjoyed this activity!

JP had the idea to act out the story with our silverware. I did not think of this idea and I loved that he did! His creativity amazes me many days. I tried videoing him and then uploading it here but it isn't working. Bummer! Just imagine him acting out the book!

Check out all the other amazing ideas for Amy Krouse Rosenthal's books here:



  1. Love the activity you guys did! Making spoon families is such a cute idea. We're going to have to read this book soon. :)

    1. Thanks, Jenny! It is a cute book. I think Liam would like it. I really enjoyed getting to know this author.

  2. The spoon families are adorable! It's awesome that he thought of an extra way to enhance the activity too by acting out the story with them...isn't it great what their minds come up with!?

    1. Hi Brittney! Thanks, yes it is amazing what their little brains can come up with! I hope you and yours are well!


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