
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012- Not So Great!

Halloween 2012 was not our best our Halloween yet, to say the least! The stomach bug hit our family this week and it hit us hard! On Monday night, CA got sick at 10:45pm. He was sick all night long. My hubby and I took shifts through the night to sit with him while he was sick. Then on Tuesday, he was still not feeling well all day. My sweet hubby took the day off to be home with us and help me. He knew that with a nursing baby, I would need help! Oh how I am so thankful for this man! Thankfully, I was able to take JP to his preschool Fall festival where I was able to take this snapshot of these cuties! They had a fun trunk or treat, a hayride,a bounce house, and other fun festivities. I didn't get to stay as long as I had hoped as I needed to get Gatorade for CA. :)

Then just when I thought we were in the clear and doing ok, CA got sick again at dinner on Tuesday night. Which meant no Bible study for this mama on Wednesday morning. I do love my ladies Bible study! I love the fellowship, studying God's word, and everything about it! So bummer for Mommy, although I am so ever grateful to be a SAHM when my babies are sick! There is just something about knowing them so well and being with them to give them the comfort and TLC they need when they are sick! There were numerous times during the past 48 hours that I was able to see the explosion coming and react fast. Sorry, a little too much information, I suppose, but mostly mommies are reading this anyways! :)

Today we just hung out at home and snuggled and played. CA slept a lot! I could tell he still wasn't feeling well. Then later in the afternoon, I thought we were doing ok and then around 3:30pm I saw that look in JP's eyes and said, "Go fast, to the bathroom!" Where he then got sick too! Poor baby! Then my sweet hubby texted me to say he wasn't feeling well either! So on Halloween night we put a sign on the front door that read, "Stomach Bug in Progress. Sorry Trick or Treaters!" I didn't want my sick family to have to hear the doorbell all night.

So all in all 3 out of the 5 of us have the stomach bug/virus! I am praying that this mama and sweet baby boy don't get it next.

Through all of this God has shown me a few blessings:
-I am so blessed to be home with my boys!
-I am blessed to have a loving husband and Daddy who took a day off to help us.
-We were blessed with costumes for Halloween as a birthday present and hand me downs, so next extra cost was lost at the expense of not using them tonight. :) Those costumes can be costly!!
-I am blessed with family and friends who texted, called, or messaged me to check on us!

I do hope all of you had a wonderful Halloween! Hope you and yours are healthy!


  1. Sorry you guys have had a rough week. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

    1. Thanks, Jenny! I think we are slowly on the mends!

  2. Oh, Trina...I'm so sorry. :( Let me know if you all need anything.

    1. Thanks, Dena! Funny thing is I almost called you yesterday morning but decided not to as I didn't want anyone in your family to get this at all! :)

  3. That's too bad they were sick. Hope everyone is feeling better soon!! It's great you can still see so many of God's blessings through it all though!

  4. Hope everyone is healthy now! Thanks for visiting my blog. I am following via GFC & Facebook now.


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