
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Reorgized Home Management Guide

Hello Friends,
Well what do I do when my family is sick and then all finally fall fast asleep?

 Reorganize my Home Management Guide and blog! 

I know I am crazy!?! I really should have been sleeping last night and I should be napping right now while my boys nap! Which is such a rarity at my house anymore! But instead, I blog! So, let me tell you about an awesome blog I follow called: 
At Organizing Homelife Ginny just finished a series called 31 Days of Home Management Binder Printables that I loved! I already have a home management guide (that I will call HMG for short) that I use and enjoy. But I was so excited when I saw that Ginny was having this awesome series in October. At the beginning of the month I was so intrigued by all of her printables and wanted to head straight to my printer, then I decided to wait until the end of the series to print the ones I needed and thought I would use. Last night I printed her calendar(front to back) so it opens nicely in my binder, the babysitting notes page, her annual bill schedule, section dividers, and the household projects printable. I liked seeing what she includes in her binder and what works well for her. I just thought I would share this awesome resource just in case any of you need it too. You can click on the button above to hop over to her site.

So what does this have to do with teaching my blessings? Well, to teach them well, I also must be organized in managing our home. I consider both jobs of Mommy and Home Manager my full time jobs. This resource helps me and I hope it does you too! Do any of you have a HMG too? Do share with me what works for you.

Happy Home Managing!

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