
Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! I hope you had a great time enjoying food, family, football, food, fun and fellowship!

I do enjoy this holiday and month. I love all the reflecting and spirit of thankfulness. I have been posting on my Facebook status each day my blessings and things I am thankful for. I have so very many things to be thankful for! Many of which are in this picture! I am so humbled and honored to be the wife and mommy to this crew! Yes, some days are hard, but I wouldn't trade it for the world and I am one blessed gal!

I am also thankful for this sweet, blogging community and my followers. Thank YOU for following along this journey! I hope your Thanksgiving was great too!

By the way Teaching My Blessings is now on Facebook! Feel free to click on the "like" button on the sidebar on the right to follow along. :) I am also now on G+ if you use that too! Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

I LOVE comments! I try to reply to every comment by using the reply function or replying via email (so please subscribe to the comment thread or check back). Thank you for the comments! Have a blessed day!