
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Brotherly Love with Reading!

So one morning (ok many mornings) while I was trying to make breakfast for my three blessings the volume in our house just got louder and louder! Between TC desiring his food and making his wants known loudly by squealing and CA needing another item and asking politely for them, I began to feel overwhelmed. So I asked JP if he could read to his brothers. He is beginning to learn to read and really does well with predictive text, especially so many of our familiar books. So off he went to get our favorite board books! Sandra Boynton books are a big hit with these 3! He pulled all three of their chairs together and read to his brothers! Precious moment! I had to grab the camera to record this sweet moment! I was and am one proud mama!

I am so blessed to be their mama and I hope they always know that!

We now have a few new routines in place to make our morning a little more smooth:
-JP and CA must get dressed and make their beds while I begin preparing breakfast. This has helped a ton! It gives me just a few minutes to get things prepped and ready while their little bodies are busy and not under my feet in the kitchen. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you're doing a great job. Love your new profile picture on facebook. This is so cute that they are all reading together. It's such great practice for the older and sets him as a leader. 3 is hard. Hope feel very blessed today! Jodi @ Meaningful Mama!


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