
Friday, October 11, 2013

I'm Still Teaching My Blessings Just in new ways...

Hello Friends!
I promise I did not fall off of the blogging bandwagon. I've just been quiet for a little while. Honestly, I haven't known what to write about so I just haven't. :) I've sat down to blog numerous times and then just haven't.

We had a fabulous summer and are now in full swing Fall season with school and fun activities. 

I am still teaching my three amazing amazing blessings just in new ways.

JP started Kindergarten this Fall! It has been a wonderful experience so far and I am so blessed by his school and teacher. I'll be honest the first two weeks were a little rough adjusting. His school day is early and he was just tired. But now we are in a good groove.

CA began attending PreK this year and LOVES it! He goes two days a week to a wonderful program at a church. It is a perfect balance for him to have time with me at home and then time at preschool. He was dressed and ready at 6:01am on his first day!

Then that leaves me with this sweet dumplin' on the days that both the big boys are at school! I love it! I can play with him, run errands or clean house great with one baby! He's such a good baby, although now he really is a toddler! Thankfully he is very flexible and has had his sweet nap schedule readjusted with the start of school.

I still consider myself to be my children's first and most important teacher. While they are being instructed by others at school, I know that God has allowed me to teach them the most. I believe in mommyhood we are always teaching, instructing and guiding our babies for a long time.

Thank you for patiently reading along. I do hope to blog more often!


  1. Hi Trina! I'm Heather and I have a question about your blog that I was hoping you could answer! Please email me whenever you get a free moment at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)


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