
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015!!!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
I know it's been forever since I've blogged! I haven't forgotten about this tiny space on the web where I once wrote weekly! Life has just gotten busier! I am one blessed mama to these three munchkins! They are my heart and soul. I originally started blogging about my adventure of teaching them preschool at home. Now two of them are in elementary school and one is in preschool. I now teach preschool five days a week. I find that I am still teaching them just in new ways.
We had a wonderful Christmas together. One of my most favorite traditions is attending our Christmas Eve service at our church. It is just so special! I love focusing on Jesus during this service! We also have a candlelight service at the end. Imagine this cute three year old pictured above wanting to hold his own lit candle very badly and sweat dripping from my hand as I was one nervous mama. 

I do hope your Christmas was blessed and just as special!
With Love,


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