
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Still Teaching...Just more blessings

Hello! I am still here! Tonight a friend ask me, "Do you write? Other than in your journals?" I replied, "Yes, I have two blogs I used to write on." She then replied, "Why did you stop?" I was taken back by the question. Why did I stop writing? Well, life happened. When I used to write at the time I had three young sons who needed me, a husband who needed me, and I then went back to my love of teaching in the classroom full time in 2016. So life just happened and I didn't feel I could keep up with writing a blog too. So I just stopped. My friend looked and me and with the most sincere words she said, "You should write." Those words washed all over me the rest of the night. She's right! I should write! So it's 4:09 am and I'm here writing with so much excitement! I love this little space in blogger world! I love to write! I love to share the blessings God has immensely blessed me with!

I want to write here more often! I originally titled this blog "Teaching My Blessings" because at the time I was teaching my three sons preschool at home. I loved my time at home with them for seven years full time. I then taught preschool part time for two years. Then after much prayer and consideration, it was time for me to return to work full time. Teaching has always been my passion and heart cry. So I happily returned to the classroom. I was very blessed to be able to get a teaching position at the same school my boys attended. I will not lie it was one of the hardest things I've done in adult life thus far. The transition was challenging on our family, but we survived and adjusted well. My words for that school year (and every school year since) were BALANCE and GRACE. Balance in this thing called life and Grace for myself and everyone around me. I am still fleshing that out 3 years later. I love the Lord, my family, and my students. I desire to be the best God has created me to be. I want to be a great mom, wife, and teacher and to do all of that it requires grace!  I'm still learning so much about God's amazing grace.

I feel the name of this blog still fits my life as God has just expanded my territory with the blessings I now teach. My first priority will always be my own family, but I now get to teach 55 third graders this year! Those babies are my blessings too! I teach departmentalized writing and science. I love teaching my precious students!

I hope you will join me as I begin to write more about whatever God lays on my heart. It may not look the same when I began writing here in 2011. I may write about what God is teaching me, what I'm teaching my boys, what I'm teaching in my class or whatever comes my way. Thank you for joining me on the journey!

These boys will always have my heart! I am extremely blessed to be their mama! 

Some of my favorites in one pic: My family and the mountains

We love because he first loved us. 

1 John 4:19


  1. No matter who you're teaching, your boys or students, they are a lucky crew!

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